Researcher/PhD Positions in Machine Learning in a Cultural Context
The Institute of Creative Media Technologies (ICMT) at the University of Applied Sciences in St. Pölten, Austria is looking for applicants for three pre-doc positions in the field of Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Visual Analytics with an interdisc
특강 안내 : "자연언어처리 기술의 어제와 오늘"
특강 안내 : "자연언어처리 기술의 어제와 오늘" 1. 행사명 ○ AI(NLP) 석학 초청 특강 (DKU EduAI 성과발표 및 AI 석학 초청 특강 행사) 2. 일시/장소 ○ 일시: 2023년 2월 21일(화) 13:30~16:30 ○ 장소: 단국대학교 죽전캠퍼스 소프트웨어ICT관 102호  
Fully Funded PhD Position on AI Fairness
Come work with us
at the Responsible AI research
group, Umeå University, Sweden.We have a fully-funded 4-year PhD position on fairness-awareness in #AI decision support systems. This is part of the AEQUITAS project funded by @EU_Commission.More informa
Call for Applications: Study NLP at UC Santa Cruz
The UCSC Natural Language
Processing (NLP) master’s degree program provides
both depth and breadth in core algorithms and methods for NLP. Taught
intensively over 15-18 months, our program design combines theoretical learning
with hands-on practice t
Oxford Machine Learning Summer School
Oxford Machine Learning Summer School
(OxML 2023)
Dates: July 8-16, 2023 (Oxford
Mathematical Institute + Virtual)
Apply here:
Target audience
AIhubm, Low-resource Language Project
AIhub monthly digest: January 2023
– low-resource language projects, Earth’s nightlights and a Lanfrica milestone
Welcome to our January 2023 monthly digest, where you can catch
up with any AIhub stories you may have missed, get the low-down on rece
Fully funded PhD Position on AI Fairness
Come work with us at the Responsible AI research group, Umeå University, Sweden.We have a fully-funded 4-year PhD position on fairness-awareness in #AI decision support systems. This is part of the AEQUITAS project funded by @EU_Commission.&n
Lecturer in Computational Linguistics in UCL
The Linguistics
department of University College London (UCL) is recruiting a
lecturer (permanent academic post) in Computational Linguistics.
For more details of the position, see here:
The Natural Language Processing program offers a Master of Science degree
The UC Santa Cruz Natural Language Processing (NLP) master's degree program provides both depth and breadth in core algorithms and methods for NLP. Taught intensively over 15-18 months, our program design combines theoretical learning with hands-on pract
2023 Newsletter - LDC
Newsletter - LDC
New publications:
Ukrainian Broadcast and Telephone Speech Audio and Transcripts
LORELEI Swahili Representative Language Pack
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LDC membership today
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