알림 마당

PhD Positions in Computer Science - Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

  • 2024-06-12 10:30:02
 Call for PhD Positions in Computer Science(Deadline: 11th of July, 2024) KRDB Research CentreFree University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italyhttps://www.unibz.it/en/faculties/engineering/phd-computer-science/ 12 three-year PhD grants in Computer Sc

Spotlight Seminar on AI

  • 2024-06-12 10:27:48
The Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, in collaboration with the AISB (Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, UK) is pleased to announce the next seminar of its Spotlight Seminars on AI initiative: 

2024년 인공지능(AI)말평 과제 사전 공개 안내

  • 2024-06-08 09:11:54
2024년 국립국어원 인공지능(AI) 말평의 경진 대회와 상시 대회 6개 과제에 대한 데이터가 사전 공개가 되었습니다. 올해에도 최근 Reasoning/대화/설명 가능성 등의 핵심 Trend들을 반영하여 도전적이고 수준 높은 이해 및 생성 과제들로 운영 중이니, 국내 대학은 물론 기업에서 참여하실 수 있습니다. 데이터 다운 로드 사이트: https://kli.korean.go.kr/benchmark/home.do 국립

Fully Funded PhD Studentship on Multimodal Explainability in Human-Robot Interaction at Lancaster University

  • 2024-05-31 20:43:03
Applications are invited for a research studentship in the field of human-robot interaction, leading to the award of a PhD degree. The studentship is available to start in October 2024 and will be fully funded for at least 3 years. Applications are open t

해양대학교 인공지능공학부 교원 초빙

  • 2024-05-23 10:30:34
2024학년도 2학기 국립한국해양대학교 인공지능공학부 교원 초빙 국립한국해양대학교 인공지능공학부(컴퓨터공학 전공, 지능제어시스템공학전공)에서 다음과 같이 교수님을 초빙합니다.Ⅰ. 채용 학부 전공 분야 및 인원 - 인공지능공학부 컴퓨터공학전공 : 컴퓨터공학(1명) - 인공지능공학부 지능제어시스템공학전공 : 제어공학(1명)Ⅱ. 접수 기간 및 방법[인터넷 접수]- 접수기간 : 2024. 5. 22.(수) 09:00 ~ 2024. 5

PhD Position on "AI+Ling" in CL/NLP at Utrecht University

  • 2024-05-16 11:53:31
If you are enthusiastic about combining formal linguistics (especially semantics) with deep learning to make NLP models more generalisable and explainable, please read more details about the call for the full-funded PhD position at Utrecht University:&nbs

PHD Thesis Position is Open at the CIAD Laboratory, France

  • 2024-05-03 19:48:28
I am glad to announce that a PhD thesis position is open at the CIAD laboratory (Belfort Montbéliard University of Technology, France) and ARMTEK company (France). The thesis in on studies and integration of multiagent systems and ontologies for the&

PhD in Machine Learning, Decision-making and Stochastic Control at the University of Hertfordshire, UK

  • 2024-04-18 08:50:42
 We are looking for applicants for a fully funded PhD (£19,632 per annum bursary plus the payment of the student fees) in the areas of Machine Learning, Decision-making and Stochastic Control at the Computer Science Department of the University of He

국립 순천대학교 전임 교원 신규 채용 공고

  • 2024-04-17 12:12:38
* 국립 순천대학교 전임 교원 신규 채용 공고 - 초빙공고 (자세한 사항은 아래 초빙 공고 사이트를 확인하여 주시기 바랍니다) https://www.scnu.ac.kr/SCNU/na/ntt/selectNttInfo.do?nttSn=281214632&mi=1131  - 초빙분야: 교육혁신본부 교양교육원 * 인공지능 융합교육 *  - 서류 접수기간 및 접수 방법    가. 접수기간: 20

Job openings in Computational Corpus Linguistics at FAU Erlangen-Nurnberg

  • 2024-04-17 10:32:23
* Job openings in Computational Corpus Linguistics at FAU Erlangen-Nurnberg  PhD CANDIDATES AND POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERS IN COMPUTATIONAL CORPUS LINGUISTICS (65% or 100%, E13 TV-L, starting ASAP) You will contribute to one or more rese