알림 마당

LDC Corpus 2023 Publication Notice

  • 2022-10-18 10:36:25
Membership Year 2023 publication preview LDC data and commercial technology development30th Anniversary Highlight: ACENew publications:Rime-Cantonese: A Normalized Cantonese Jyutping Lexicon2017 NIST Language Recognition Evaluation Training and De

2022년, 제34회 한글및 한국어 정보처리 학술대회 우수 논문상 수상자 발표

  • 2022-10-11 18:01:03
* 2022년 10월 18일에 개최되는 학술대회의 우수 논문 수상자 명단은 아래와 같습니다. -----[01] 금빛나, 김홍진(건국대학교), 박상민, 김재은(솔트룩스), 황금하, 권오욱(한국전자통신연구원), 김학수(건국대학교), "오픈 도메인 대화를 위한 노이징 된 가이드 기반 생성 모델[02] 이성민, 박은환, 나승훈(전북대학교), 서대룡, 전동현, 강인호(네이버), "R2FID: Joint Reranker 기반 Fusion-In-Decod

COLING 2022 안내문

  • 2022-10-03 16:17:55
국제전산언어학술대회(COLING)는 자연언어처리 및 전산언어학 분야에서 세계 수준의 국제 학술대회이며 20개 이상의 국가로부터 1,500명 이상의 전문가들이 모여 열띤 토론과 발표를 하는 학술행사입니다. COLING은 1965년에 설립되어 2년마다 세계 각지를 순회하며 개최되고 있습니다.     COLING은 아시아 국가 중 일본에서 개최된 바 있으나, 국내에서는 개최된 적이 없었기에 국내의 언어공학 분야 전문가들이

September 2022 Newsletter-LDC

  • 2022-09-17 12:18:23
Upcoming Policy Change to LDC’s Open Memberships LDC at Interspeech 2022 LanguageARC: Citizen Science for Language 30th Anniversary Highlight: Switchboard New publications: Xi’an Guanzhong Object Naming MASRI Synthetic Upcoming

Fully-funded PhD Position in Machine Learning for Human-Robot Interaction

  • 2022-09-09 18:23:08
MACHINE LEARNING FOR HUMAN-ROBOT INTERACTION  Adaptive Systems Research Group  Centre for Computer Science and Informatics Research School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science University of Hertfordshire, UK Contact:

Fall 2022 LDC Data Scholarship Program

  • 2022-08-19 17:11:18
* Fall 2022 LDC Data Scholarship Program30th Anniversary Highlight: The LDC Gigawords New publication:HAVIC MED Novel 2 Test – Videos, Metadata and Annotation Fall 2022 LDC Data Scholarship Program Student applications for the Fall 2022 LD

TextGraphs-16@COLING: Shared Task on Natural Language Premise Selection

  • 2022-07-16 19:26:06
We invite participation in the 1st Shared Task on Natural Language Premise Selection associated with the 16th Workshop on Graph-Based Natural Language Processing (TextGraphs 2022).  All systems participating in the shared task will be invited t

July 2022 Newsletter - LDC

  • 2022-07-16 19:24:08
 Fall 2022 LDC Data Scholarship Program 30th Anniversary Highlight: ATIS0 Complete  New publications:Qatari Corpus of Argumentative Writing Second DIHARD Challenge Evaluation - SEEDLingS Fall 2022 LDC Data Scholarship Program

PhD Position in Linguistics at the University of Gothenburg

  • 2022-07-16 19:22:45
The Department of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Theory of Science at the University of Gothenburg is pleased to announce the availability of the following fully-funded Ph.D. position in Linguistics. Information about the institutionThe Department of

LDC Data and Commercial Technology Development

  • 2022-06-16 09:38:14
LDC at LREC 2022LDC data and commercial technology development 30th Anniversary Highlight: TIMIT New publication: Second DIHARD Challenge Evaluation - Eleven Sources LDC at LREC 2022 LDC will attend the 13th Language Resource Eva